Online version 5.3
Technical improvements
- Subtract blank values
- Subtract CAL-0 values
- Normalize against average of a sample or standard
- Multiple side by side pages now possible. This makes it possible to serve premade pages with different assays on a single website. Of each assay default settings can be saved.
- Layout builder buttons for easy assignment of calibrator, blank, control and sample IDs in a 96 well plate layout
- Layout builder buttons for easy setting dilutions of samples
Online version 5.2
Performance improvements
- ELISA and Universal online template available
- Up to 1000 sample analyses now possible
- Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics now included
- Top menu and side menu added
- Single universal calibrator table
- Cell shading improved
- Calibrator table added in the results
- Improved average and CV% calculation with unlimited replicates
- Replicate number and position indicated in the results table
- Graph format (logarithmic or linear) can be changed and stored
- Improved saving and printing
- Save as PDF
- Layout improvements
- Cross origin resource sharing (CORS) now possible
- With CORS, templates can be served on any website
Privacy improvements
- No cookies sent over the internet: Localstorage is used for saving settings
- Email no longer required for submission
- email and IP address are removed in the results
- All javascript, css and fonts are now served on the AssayFit CDN
Excel curve-fitting add-in 1.4.4
Software improvements
- Layout builder added for easy identifying sample IDs, calibrators, controls, blanks and setting dilutions
- Bug fix in toggle calibrators button when cell contains formulas
Excel curve-fitting add-in 1.4.3
Software improvements
- Offline curve-fitting implemented
- Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics now included
- Bug fix with sorting of calibrators in case comma was used
- Small other bug fixes
- New logo added
Privacy improvements
- Email no longer required for submission
- email and IP address are removed in the results